Touchless technology is developing at a pace of 17.6 percent in the last year. Also, it is estimated that the overall market value will cross around $15 billion out of 2025 from $6.8 billion in 2020.
Moreover, the global outbreak of COVID-19 builds a great impact on the robust growth of touchless technology. Nowadays, it is very common among people about washing hands and sanitizing surfaces around our living& working places. It will help to decrease the spread of COVID-19. This is ordinary – from now – everyone is agonizingly aware of the potential ramifications of touch. This is where touchless technology will take place.
Obviously, these global epidemics will lead people to change their minds, habits, perspectives, and practices. Now, we see individuals utilizing hostility to the bacterial shower to clean telephone screens, wearing gloves to go to the shops and get some distance from trading money. We think it is high time to accept the advantage of new technology _ touchless technology & stay safe.
So what is touchless technology?
If you imagine that interacting with PCs is just possible by utilizing a console, mouse, or touch screen, you are totally outdated. Touchless innovations are practically around everywhere and right now infiltrate every part of our regular lifestyle. There are lots of touchless technologies around us. For example, automated vehicles, online client service, smart homes, virtual reality, augmented video games. Yet, what remains behind it?
However, there are multiple forms of human interaction systems. We communicate via voice, signal, or direct touch. Beyond that, computer communication is significantly more entangled. In the past, we used a direct touch process to control PCs, such as by using a button or keyboard or swiping the screen. But today the scenario is different, touchless innovations let you control your PC by utilizing voice or signal.
Today, voice acknowledgment and signal acknowledgment are becoming so popular in the automation process and both are developing at a quick pace. The main difference between these technologies with the previous one is the combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV). Both are the part of AI (Artificial Intelligence) that makes machines enable to act as like as people do. Maybe it will be verbal language or non-verbal language.
In plain English (with example),
Touchless technology utilizes sensors to perceive your signals, facial highlights, or voice to finish a task like humans. For example, numerous voice assistant apps like Siri or Alexa; use voice-based innovation which deciphers human speech implying ASR (Automated Speech Recognition). It assists humans to control PCs engaging with voice.
Touchless Technology: Facial gestures & recognition
A great innovation of touchless technology is facial gestures & recognition. In the case of gesture, it implies a bunch of coding to decipher the communication via gestures for the activity to be finished.
And for facial recognition, utilizes human facial examples for distinguishing individuals. Take, for example, now people are using facial reorganization for unlocking smartphones or passwords. It utilizes sensors to catch your facial highlights and uses the data to recognize you.
Touchless biometric sensor technology: Another step of touchless technology
In addition to that, biometric fingerprint verification terminals have become a common sight around us. This remains so essential for areas where access control is based on individual human identity matters such as airports, hospitals, offices, factories, different types of institutions, or even prisons. However, it is not so safe to use this technology because these devices undergo lots of fingers every day. There is a scope for spreading the virus. So the most hygienic solution is adapting touchless biometric sensor technology.
Moreover, we believe it is the fastest form of authentication technology where you simply need to wave your hands or eyes in front of the sensor rather than pressing your finger over the sensor machine.
Out of all these, a touchless biometric technology can catch an HD picture of fingerprints utilizing high goals sensors with better coordinating outcomes making it more exact & accurate. It comes with high-grade processors with GPU guarantees quicker response time contrasted with other contact-based biometric frameworks.
Touchless Travelling
COVID-19 has overturned worldwide travel and pause the world for a time being. Aviation, travel organizations, and the travel industry are all in all face a phenomenal challenge from this coronavirus pandemic. To back in the business, we need to ensure the travelers’ safety about their health. This is where; a new phase “touchless travel and wellbeing security system” comes. It is bolstered by some advanced instruments, for example, Traveler Digital Identity activity scanner, etc. Even though taking extreme cleaning protocols, interacting with travel documents, touching surfaces through check-ins & check-out show a high risk of spreading the virus among passengers & staff.
The initial and most noticeable change will be a move to touchless travel from the air terminal curbside to hotel registration. Even though taking extreme cleaning protocols, interacting with travel documents, touching surfaces through check-ins & check-out show a high risk of spreading the virus among passengers & staff.
So what’s the solution? – Digitalization over the whole part will turn into the new standard. For instance, biometrics is now a generally acknowledged answer for an identity check, and their utilization will turn out more beneficial than a physical fingerprint scanning system.
Progressively, more touchless innovations will lead including touchless fingerprint verification; iris and facial reorganization, touchless data entry system, touchless document scanning, voice command, retinal scanning are already implemented. All of these innovations ensure the elimination of risk as low as possible.
Touchless food ordering from the restaurant: another innovation of Touchless Technology
The coronavirus pandemic has set off a great fear around the world. People are now feared of getting out of the house as much as possible and they are abstaining from touching things once they do get out. Restaurants & catering businesses also got hit by this pandemic. At least, touchless technology brings something good for us. Now you can order food from the restaurant without touching anything.
Just picture this: – At first, a sensor detects the vehicle when it comes in front of the restaurant. Then, a human-sounding voice welcomes them. The Mouthpiece arrays help triangulates the customer’s location and the speech recognition program contextually identifies what they say.
When the order is done, the customer has to pay via credit card or swipe a QR code and the payment will be directly added to the restaurant’s automated payment control system. This whole food ordering process only takes no more than 15 to 20 seconds.
Moreover, this food ordering process is very convenient & efficient. On a survey, we also found that,
“70 percent of U.S. citizens are utilizing self-checkout and 87 percent would want to go shopping in stores with “touchless self-checkout options.”
This proves the rapid growth of touchless technology in the upcoming years.
Touchless Technology In other sectors
In India, Uber is launching a new system to check if a driver is wearing a mask or not. This technology depends on a selfie that a driver has to send before starting a ride. The driver has to send selfies each time taking a new ride.
Online food ordering site, Zomato creates contactless food delivery service. This incorporates a computerized menu by checking QR codes, ordering through the application, and digital payments.
Infosys already introduced a contact-less baggage monitoring system for North American airports.
More solutions and ideas using touchless technology are on the way in different sectors around the world. It sounds well if we say “Touchless technology is the future”
Nothing is easy. The primary challenge of adopting touchless technology is costing. The cost of the sensors is huge. Moreover, touchless sensor items are costly and it is probably impossible for organizations to actualize them from all perspectives. In Wipro, washrooms are presently fitted with sensors. But, not every organization has that budget to make their whole workplace touchless. If the overall costing is minimized, then firms can gradually adopt this new technology, said an expert.
Another issue is the implementation of a facial acknowledgment system. Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic makes this technology more popular around the world there are few limitations here. This technology utilizes facial highlights to identify a person. In contrast to fingerprints or iris, the method doesn’t work precisely. However, it still needs further improvements. There have been situations where the innovation has made off false identification. At this crossroads, worldwide usage, particularly by the authorization workforce like police, could bring about off inaccurate results.
Protection is another significant concern as well. There will be a requirement for greater clearness from the government on how the information will be utilized and for what reason. There is a requirement for a more grounded guideline before it is implemented broadly.
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